Monday, July 19, 2010

Reasons - NOT To Sync Your Facebook/Twitter Statuses

There are many applications out there that help you update your social networking statuses all in one place (such as TweetDeck, etc.), but there are some disadvantages to updating your Twitter and Facebook simultaneously so that they mirror one another.

This trend has become common lately, because both Facebook AND Twitter have easily accessible APIs that can be manipulated into programs and scripts to update statuses in more than one place.

[Facebook / Twitter]

I have provided three reasons below why you should NOT sync your statuses together:

* Relevance - When you update your status on both services, the events and people that you specify in your status may not be relevant and pertain to the users on one social network, but not to the other.
* Twitter Jargon - When updating your status on Twitter, your friends on Facebook may not understand the different terms that are native to Twitter’s jargon, such as hash-tags (e.g. #blogging) and @ symbol user tagging.
* Repetition - With people knowing that you update your status on both social networks, it may detract friends from visiting your account on either network. This is why it is key to have some variety in your statuses on both networks, even if you paraphrase one status differently than the other.

If you are an on-the-go type person, syncing both statuses to the mentioned social networks may be the only way to update your friends about your happenings; however, I am sure that there are users out there that would agree with the premises listed above.

There are many things to take into consideration when starting up your website for your business/marketing. You of course have to have your idea and be ready to go with it, if you’ve not already gotten it started, but you also have to think about the structure of your website. Not really sure where to start?

* Choose a name for the website - memorable, easy to type
* Put up a very basic website - ugly, but gets the search engines rolling
* Link to it - link from your personal site, get friends and family to link to you
* Start a Twitter account - match your company and/or domain name
* Allow people to sign-up for email - a simple form will do
* Have a nice logo made for you - ask friends you know or create a contest
* Facebook Business page - also known as a fan page
* Make a clean Facebook URL -
* Startup a Blog - look into free blog software like Wordpress
* Write articles - reveal how you got to this point
* Google Alerts - setup at least your domain name and industry
* Find Competition - you need to know what you’re up against
* LinkedIn Profile Update - mention your site and link to it
* Business Cards - keep them with you
* Twitter Grader Search - follow high profile twitter users, form relationships
* StumbleUpon - create an account, make friends with similar business and vote
* LinkedIn Answers category - answer questions, build credibility, not self-promote
* Follow Bloggers - similar interest, leave relevant comments
* Obtain Facebook Contacts - organize business, friends, family
* Website Grader - grade your website
* Web Analytics - start tracking and following where you traffic comes from

Seems like a lot of steps? Well, that’s what they are, steps. You certainly don’t have to and cannot do them all in one day. Take your time doing it, but really dedicate yourself to it. Don’t stop until it’s finished and you’ve worked your way through all of these steps. These steps will increase your ratings, rankings and popularity on the internet. You want people to remember you, and making it easy to find ways to get to your website is definitely a plus. You always want to give several ways to get to one destination. Don’t just build a one-way road, build a two-way street.


  1. good info fantastic post also build backlink is important
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    • Article Directories
    • Social News Sites
    • eZine Publishers
    • Press Release Sites
    • Social BookMarking Sites
    • Web Directories
    • RSS Feeds
    • RSS Feeds Directories
    • Forum Postings
    • Guest Posting in Blogs
    • Blog Comments
    • Link Exchanges
    • Video Posting Sites
