Monday, July 19, 2010

Google In Other Ways

With Google being such a large company, search engine, and name, it was only a matter of time before other users around the internet started to create their own variations of them, not really in a competitive sense, but moreover to present Google’s content in ways that appeal to different people.

I have provided a list of three search engines below that display Google and its SERPs in other forms than the traditional look.

* Blackle

This search engine was created as an energy-saving site that presents Google’s search results in black, which helps save your monitor’s energy by making the majority your browser window dark and not using many colors to produce its results.

* Goosh

If you are big on having your content in a text-only or shell-based fashion, this search engine is for you. This site will load Google’s content in a terminal window-style appearance. To perform a search query on Goosh, type web and then what you want to search for.

* Elgoog

For something comical to show your friends, Elgoog is a search engine that lets you search for a phrase, and it will return its results in a backwards motion. You can also perform your search query backwards as well.

These sites listed above are just a few of the ones around the web that are well-known for being more visually diverse than Google. If you have a favorite Google-like website that you would like to see included in this list, please tell me about it in the comments section of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Elgoog is really great. I tried its really funny like.Got to see something new from Google..
    Try one more theme based-
