Thursday, July 15, 2010

10 SEO Tools Every Blogger Must Use

Here is a list of ten useful seo tools which you must use as a blogger.

1. Use Multirank checker from

If you wish to check Google page rank of your blog and several other blogs without doing it manually then you should use this tool. It saves a lot of time as one can check page rank in bulk.

2. Use SEO Analyzer from

It is one of the best SEO tools for all those bloggers who have just started promoting their blog. You would also be able to download previous reports easily by using this SEO tool. All the applications in this SEO tool are user friendly.

3. Use Backlink Checker from Link Diagnosis

It is one of the best free backlink checker tool. As a blogger you need to use this tool for checking backlinks. One can also analyze backlinks of competitors by using this SEO tool.

4. Use Google Analytics from

This seo tool is available from Google for free. By using this tool, you can get reports related to traffic to your blog, funnel information etc. This seo tool is based on Urchin and used by numerous bloggers and website owners.

5. Use Keyword Density and Prominence tool from

By using this tool, you can get to know about the density of keywords on a particular page. It also analyzes the keywords included in tags.

6. Use Visual Page Rank from

People who are fond of graphics would find this seo tool very nice. Page ranks can be checked with this seo tool visually. A lot of people who find it dull to check page rank in their blogs use this seo tool.

7. Use RankingChecker from

By using this seo tool you can check rankings for a website for upto hundred keywords of your choice at a time on Google, Yahoo and The best thing about this tool is that you can get rankings for keywords in country specific searches on Google and Yahoo. Suppose, I want to check my website rankings on, I can do that by using this keyword rank checker tool from Seobook.

8. Use Fiddler Web Debugging tool from

By using this seo tool, you can get reports about all types of communication between servers and the browser. You do not need to pay anything for using this seo tool.

9. Use SEOQuake SEObar Internal links option

By using this seo tool, one can get to know about the strongest pages on any website or blog. It helps people in knowing about the pages which have a large number of inbound links.

internal strength analysis

10 Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool

One can use this keyword tool from Google to get more keywords around a keyword of your choice and also can use this tool to find out keywords list by entering a website address. This tool provide many more features like monthly searches for keywords globally and locally, advertisers competition with average cost per click etc

These were the top 10 seo tools I think every blogger should use. Do you think I missed any of your favorite tool in this list, please share in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Online advertisement is a powerful tool that you can use for breaking the backbone of your business rivals and improve your own sales graph. It is quite a tricky approach and this is the reason I had preferred hiring the best PPC and facebook ad management services.
